Ark Country Store

Jacoby Show Feed Red Tag Developer

Ark Country Store offers Jacoby Show Feed Red Tag

Jacoby Show Feed Red TagWorking on your show project? Stop by Ark Country Store for Jacoby Red Tag Developer for your show sheep. Jacoby’s Red Tag Developer is part of the Synergy Line.

SYNERGY is the next generation in feed additives for ruminants. It contains a combination of natural plant extracts; live, host-specific strains of beneficial bacteria; active live yeast; aspergillus oryzae and bypass protein. SYNERGY is the only product on the market today which addresses the animal’s entire digestive and circulatory systems through an all natural means that results in increased growth, milk yield, and more consistent feed intake. SYNERGY improves metabolic efficiency to create a healthier animal.

Jacoby’s (Red Tag) Developer For Growing Sheep Being Fed to Show Medicated with Chlorotetracylcine…50g/ton
Medicated with Decoquinate…13.6g/ton
Synergy Medicated with Decoquinate…13.6g/ton