Customer Spotlight Harris Showmanship Camp
Ark Country Store hosted the 2017 Harris Showmanship Camp Clinic on August 5, 2017.
Howdy y’all. I’m Christen Harris with Harris Livestock, and we just wrapped up our second annual sheep and goat showmanship clinic. In 2016 we had 55 participants at our first annual showmanship clinic. At this year we had an awesome turnout of 68 attending and 20 on the waiting list. I’m hoping to expand next year so I don’t have to turn anyone away. We hope to grow to be able to include over a hundred participants. In addition to our showmanship clinic, I hope to one day provide the opportunity to local sheep and goat breeders to auction their stock to our campers. This year I was honored to have Ark Country Store as both a sponsor and they came and set up their mobile feed store. They had everything from feed to buckets, goat chains anything the campers could possibly need were in one spot, and they provided an awesome resource for feeding and fitting advice. This year our motto for our clinic was “Never hope for it more than you’re willing to work for it!” because I want kids to start their showmanship careers, knowing that to win takes work, and to be successful takes work, and that a banner or a buckle is not the ultimate show of success. Success is getting some degree better than you were the last time you went in the ring.