Ark Country Store

Cost Effective Pasture Weed Control

Cost Effective Pasture Weed Control

6 Tips for Cost Effective Pasture Weed Control

Herbicides are most cost-effective when used at the right rate at the right time. To get the most benefit from your pasture weed spraying, Dow AgroSciences weed scientists offer these six tips.

1. Identify the weed problem.

Your choice of herbicides and recommended application rates will vary by weed species and timing. For most broadleaf weeds, GrazonNext® HL herbicide will be the cost-effective choice, but ChaparralTM herbicide controls some species – including Pensacola bahiagrass, ryegrass and many species of brush – that GrazonNext HL does not. Consult your dealer or local Dow AgroSciences Range & Pasture Specialist for a specific, local recommendation matched to your situation.

2. Use a calibrated sprayer or a professional applicator. Calibration prevents both waste and expense of overapplication and prevents reduced control from underapplication. It’s the only way to get your money’s worth. Don’t guess.

3. Spray at the right time
with the right rate. Annual weeds in pastures are generally most susceptible early in the season when they’re small and actively growing, and when soil moisture is adequate. Using GrazonNext HL or Chaparral at their highest labeled rates will provide longer soil residual activity to control weeds that germinate after spraying. You can get several weeks’ control of many weed species.

4. Recognize that drought-stressed or mature weeds will be more difficult to control. Effectiveness will be reduced if weeds don’t have adequate moisture and aren’t growing. Mature weeds have already limited your grass production. Don’t spray unless you’re willing to increase the rate within the labeled range or accept less control.

5. Follow label directions for application and mixing. For ground broadcast, apply the recommended rate of herbicide in 10 to 20 gallons of total spray mixture per acre. Use the recommended rate of an agricultural surfactant to thoroughly wet the foliage. Consider a drift control additive to reduce drift and improve deposition.

6. Remember soil residual activity and plant residue. While GrazonNext HL and Chaparral may provide season-long control of weeds in permanent grass pasture, they should not be used on cropland or on land to be rotated to crops. Remember too, grasses treated with any soil residual herbicide may carry herbicide residue that can be transferred to the soil by hay, livestock manure or urine. Be sure to read and observe all label precautions.

Spraying at the right time with the right rate is the best way to get full value from weed control.

Ark Country Store can help with your weed problems. Talk to us about fertilizer options and tools for spraying. 

For more information, click here.

Source: Dow AgroSciences