Ag/Timber Number Renewal
It’s time to renew your Ag/Timber number! State law, requires farmers and ranchers claiming agricultural exemptions to register with the Comptroller to obtain Ag/Timber Number. Farmers, ranchers and timber operators cannot purchase qualifying items tax free without a current Ag/Timber Number.
Renewal begins in October. To apply online, click here. Applicants who apply online will receive a registration number immediately. To receive an application by fax, call 1-800-531-1441.
Who is eligible for the new Ag/Timber Number?
Anyone engaged in the production of agricultural or timber products for sale in the regular course of business may complete an application for Ag/Timber Number, including:
- farmers and ranchers who raise agricultural products to sell to others;
- persons engaged in aquaculture and apiculture; (i.e., commercial fish farms or beekeepers);
- custom harvesters;
- persons engaged in agricultural aircraft operations, as defined by 14 C.F.R. Section 137.3 (crop dusting);
- commercial nurseries engaged in fostering growth of plants for sale (i.e., growing stock from seed or cuttings, replanting seedlings in larger containers); and
timber producers, including contract lumberjacks.